
Monday, July 20, 2009

Quartermaster Update

There is now a link to the Quartermaster website on the 1st Virginia Links page. I have also updated the Kits and Accoutrement pages to allow you to order more items using the Internet.

For those of you that have not gotten your 1st Virginia Flag Magnet, you can order now on the Accouterments page.

Here is the picture of the magnet which is 5" by 5".

And here is what it looks like on my truck door.

Godwin's will now give the Quartermaster a 10% discount for any item that we order a dozen or more of. We are currently considering making a large purchase for cocked hats. If you make an order for a cocked hat with the QM, we will provide a conversion kit for just $1.00 more (normally $2.50). The conversion will take the Godwin's hat and allow you to make it appropriate for the 1st Virgina.
Leslie (AKA 1st Virginia Regimental Quartermaster and Laundress)

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