
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Overalls Fit


Do your Continental Army Overalls (aka Gaitered Trousers) fit like an old pair of comfortable blue jeans? Or maybe like a pair of M.C. Hammer’s best baloon pants?

If so, now is the time to take action!

The images reproduced here were all drawn by witnesses who actually saw the soldiers of the Continental Army. Note how tightly their Overalls fit! There are few, or no, wrinkles shown in these images, indicating that the correct fit is virtually skin tight from mid-thigh, down to the ankle.

Don’t be a Farb! Take in the inner-seams to gain a snug, manly, and period-correct fit. The simpliest way to make this adjustment is to put them on inside-out (but don’t wear them to an event like that!), have your wife pin them tight, then run them through the sewing machine. Adding a second seam next to the first will help keep them from ripping, or hand-stitch a flat-fell seam.

Voila! You look marvelous!

All images from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection.

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